About Patyegarang

The site is located at Morgan Road, Belrose and has a total area of approximately 71 hectares.  It is located approximately 15km north of Sydney CBD and 6km north east of Chatswood, in the Northern Beaches LGA.

The land is currently unmanaged and unprotected. Unauthorised use of the site has resulted in walking trails, 4WD, horse and bike riding tracks causing environmental damage and putting the Aboriginal cultural heritage at risk.

The land was granted to the MLALC under the provisions made in the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 to compensate Aboriginal peoples for the historic dispossession of land they experienced and in recognition of their ongoing disadvantage.  All lots in the Patyegarang project are owned by MLALC as free hold title.

This is the first time that a Local Aboriginal Land Council has sought to develop land returned under the NSW Aboriginal Land Planning Framework in Metropolitan Sydney. A similar process is underway on the Central Coast for the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council.

This is an extremely positive step towards utilising the land to deliver economic outcomes for the community, as envisaged by the ALR Act.

What is the plan for Patyegarang?

The plan for Patyegarang: MLALC has a vision for sensitive development of the Patyegarang site, aimed at transforming a land asset into economic, social, and cultural opportunities for Aboriginal people.

The site offers the opportunity to provide up to 450 new residential dwellings of varying sizes, while recognising the site’s capability of encouraging outdoor public recreation. It prioritises the management, protection, and promotion of the site’s ecological and Aboriginal cultural significance. The detailed plans for development of the site are ongoing.

A sustainable, resilient, and affordable community will be designed with a commitment to respecting and responding to the natural environment and its unique characteristics. A range of lot sizes to maintain rock outcrops, existing trees, and landscape features to be retained.

The proposed rezoning addresses the natural environment and Aboriginal cultural heritage by taking an innovative approach to conserving, protecting and enhancing natural elements of the landscape and its visual character.

Key features of the proposal include:

Preservation of important Aboriginal cultural heritage items.

A platform for cultural education, with an interpretive facility for cultural, educational, social, and ecological information to the local community and visitors.

Preservation of approximately 19.8 hectares of environmental conservation land.

Public benefits, including restoration of riparian corridors, provision of community facilities, and educational programs/activities that promote Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Improved infrastructure and significantly enhance the management of bushfire risk on-site and in the surrounding community as well as the water quality in the Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment.

The key objective of the project is to achieve a balance between development, environment, economic, social, and cultural conservation as well as maintenance of the site.