Project benefits

The MLALC’s primary objectives is “to improve, protect and foster the best interests of all Aboriginal persons within the council area and other persons who are members of the council”.

This is the first time that a Local Aboriginal Land Council will proceed on a development of its own land to secure economic resources and support self-determination.

The proceeds from the development of the land will allow MLALC to fund its community land and business plan. This includes community benefit schemes for funerals, events, sponsorships, and social housing to support the needs of the local Aboriginal community.

It will also provide operational funding to support the conservation of Aboriginal culture and heritage, land management and administration of the MLALC.

Site benefits

The Patyegarang site offers an opportunity to balance economic participation with environmental protection and cultural use of the land in order to:

Achieve self-determination by using developable land to facilitate tangible economic, social, and cultural prosperity for members and for the local Aboriginal community

Identify, conserve, and enhance the existing heritage significance of the site to foster distinctive local places

Generate opportunities to promote local tourism and cultural education.

Established well-managed walking trails and other community benefits including an outdoor cultural community centre.

Deliver culturally appropriate social infrastructure and promote contemporary cultural expression.

Create future built form outcomes that respect and respond to the natural environment and its unique characteristics.

Community benefits

The Patyegarang site has the potential to provide significant public benefit including:

Protection and management of Aboriginal heritage on the site

A new community cultural centre showcasing the Aboriginal history of the site

Improved water quality on-site and downstream in Narrabeen Lagoon by ensuring the future development implements the latest stormwater management technology in water quality treatment

Conservation of approximately 19.8 hectares of environmental land

Improved bushfire protection for adjoining properties and the general area with fire trail management, hazardous fuel management, asset protection zones and other measures

Increased housing supply and housing diversity in the Northern Beaches LGA

Provision of community facilities

Development of educational programs and activities that promote Aboriginal cultural heritage

Internal road network design with public domain improvements, including enhanced lighting, and new slip lane at the intersection of Morgan Road and Forest Way.

Improved water quality on-site and downstream in Narrabeen Lagoon by ensuring the future development will implement the latest stormwater management technology in water quality treatment.